Pink and Mauve Hand-Tied Bouquet
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Pink and Mauve Hand-Tied Bouquet
A beautiful hand-tied bouquet in pretty shades of pink and mauve.
Our talented florists will choose from a selection of only the finest, freshest, seasonal flowers to create a beautiful bespoke bouquet just for you. Simply choose the size you’d like to send and leave the rest up to us!
* Hand-made with love, by your local florist.
* A bespoke design using fresh, seasonal flowers.
* Flowers presented in a gift box or bag and delivered in water.
** Please note that the images shown are for illustrative purposes only. The stem choice and content will vary depending upon seasonality of blooms and the size of bouquet ordered. If you have a preference to which flowers we use, please tell us in the comments section of your order and we will do our very best to accommodate your requests.
Our talented florists will choose from a selection of only the finest, freshest, seasonal flowers to create a beautiful bespoke bouquet just for you. Simply choose the size you’d like to send and leave the rest up to us!
* Hand-made with love, by your local florist.
* A bespoke design using fresh, seasonal flowers.
* Flowers presented in a gift box or bag and delivered in water.
** Please note that the images shown are for illustrative purposes only. The stem choice and content will vary depending upon seasonality of blooms and the size of bouquet ordered. If you have a preference to which flowers we use, please tell us in the comments section of your order and we will do our very best to accommodate your requests.
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